July 10, 2018 (Winston-Salem, NC) EMS Management & Consultants (EMS|MC), a third-party EMS billing company, announces EMSpire 2018: Impacting Tomorrow’s EMS agenda and registration. This day and a half conference gives you the opportunity to network with EMS industry leaders, and hear them speak on the topics that matter to you and your business.
We will host more than five speakers, presenting on a variety of topics, and hold one panel discussion on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and EMS. EMSpire 2018 is only a little over a month away, and EMS|MC wants to make sure that you don’t miss out on this day and half conference.
New this year, EMS|MC is hosting all EMSpire attendees at the Greensboro Grasshoppers game on Wednesday, August 29th. We will meet in Tower Lobby at the Grandover Resort at 5:00 pm and shuttle over to the baseball stadium where we will enjoy dinner and the game. This event is included with your EMSpire registration.
EMS|MC encourages you to make plans to attend today. Click here to find out more and don’t forget that registration ends August 15th!
Please reach out if you have any questions or need more information!
Questions? Contact [email protected]
About EMS|MC
EMS Management & Consultants is the largest national billing company in the U.S. dedicated solely to the EMS community. Its services include EMS revenue cycle management, compliance, training, legislative advocacy and consulting services. Based in North Carolina, EMS|MC has expanded its presence from the Southeast and serves more than 220 clients across the United States. For more information, visit www.emsmc.com.